Sean 'Poof' Coombs is a remarkable character. Seen here pictured with his failed 3-D rendition of the "1812 Overture", he has gone from strength to strength yet has consistently failed to make any discernible impact on the scene. This inadequacy to get the gratificiation he so desperately craves has had a vaguely negative impact on his life, work and general appearance. His facial hair, although far from fetching (and, seen in conjunction with his general physical demeanour) has done him little favours. As a scientist, Coombs is rubbish. Look at him. He is a loser. That makes him a perfect scientist/researcher, and he'll probably end up wedding an older version of Borland. And he is chubby (note: weight has no bearing on scientific merit, althougth it makes one look fat). Has an irational fear of East Finchley tube station. He also posseses a quite pungent odour that, in his own words, emanates from bakelite jewelery. He supports Bradford FC. Good luck.