Marjorie O'Smythes is perhaps best known for her contributions to the quarterly Is That It? popular science publication. Her award winning column frequently touch upon such controversial topics as dysfunctional arithmetic, the true age of clay and the subtleties of crane rearing. Marje cut her teeth developing simulation models for frigid magma during a long period as a research administrator at the University of Skaepe, near the Little Chef junction just before Birmingham. More recently she has travelled to and from Skegness, donated her collection of whole beaks to the Maritime Museum Fowl Department and applied for Burkina Faso citizenship. Of the latter she says 'I just felt it was time to move on. Much like the person who decides it is time to move. You know, like relocate or something. Almost like the otter returning to the fold. No actually exactly like that. Except of course I am not an otter and I am not sure what type of fold the saying refers to. Apart from those caveats, the meaning is loud and clear. And I stand by that, much like the trajectory of a maligned cormorant'.
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