Ulla McDonaghue is perhaps best known for her idiosyncratic studies relating to the skewed mating habits of Maltese tendrils. She describe herself as 'bubbly', 'prudent' and 'slightly scared of evil'. When not lecturing at Hackney Community College she likes to expand on her theory that the world is in fact flat, despite the availability of numerous volumes of work suggesting the contrary. A self-confessed collector of anything gray, she currently boasts one of Norwich's largest collections of concrete refuse. Dreams of having a pet ape called Francis, or Frank if it is a male.

Moonray Tiger Nielsen's biggest contribution to science is undoubtedly her investigative forays in to the highly contentious area of frustrated magnets. She has co-written several books on the subject in conjunction with a former sound engineer for Deep Purple who shall remain nameless at his own request.
Nielsen was also the first researcher to suggest that liquid is a colour, for which she received much rebuttal from her own community.
She bases her belief system on the assumption that rambunctious is simply another way of spelling Kansas (give or take a few letters - the flexibility of the system is according to herself one of the main attractions of the theory).
Was last seen bicycling somewhere near Epsom wearing a limited edition brown leotard with the word "FISK" emblazoned on the back whilst shouting 'Hoopla' in a sneering manner at stunned bystanders.

Ilse Christensen, or simply 'Pjalte' to her friends, prides herself on being a complex character.
When not busy trying to come to terms with the perplexities of bronze-age Finnish agricultural practices and the resulting decline in the use of the letter 'N', Pjalte likes to spend time with her pet sock 'Archimedes', and is an avid collector of books and magazines on gypsum-based spackle. "I just can't understand why people would even contemplate using any other materials. Unless of course you live somewhere where you can't get gypsum, in which case I suppose even I would have to compromise. Which by the way I won't".

Jens Erik Skovvang enjoys walks in nature, Italian food and the occasional bout of flagellation.
"I prefer turtleneck sweaters, - there's just something about them".
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